SquidWelp study: Company CEOs 8X more likely to UDRP a domain vs buy it!

A sea of data pouring in from domain data analyst startup, SquidWelp, indicates the obvious: More corporate CEOs, middle managers, and chief IT engineers are willing to “steal” a domain, as opposed to buying it.

The non-shocking report was announced earlier today in a series of SMS messages and TikTok videos by the SquidWelp VP of data management:

SquidWelp – A sea of data

“In our deep statistical analysis, using data which I’m not going to detail how/when it was collected, we pinpointed a tremendous indication that when a CEO wants a domain, they Google it and then head over to WIPO or the Forum to file a UDRP.

This is about 8X more common than using a domain broker to pay for the domain, quite shocking! Those financially secure individuals literally attempt to take domains and use them as brands without paying a penny to their registrants. Who would have thought?”

If you have domains that someone else might like for their business make sure they don’t exist in Google. SquidWelp data indicates that the more results a domain has in Google, the quicker any CEO or other Wall Street hawk might try to get it for reg fee, or by filing a UDRP.

You’ve been warned!

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