DDDP.com – Making its brokers money.
A fun story to start your Monday with.
DDDP.com, a “Chinese premium” four letter .com domain, has been on the auction chopping block for a while now.
As eagle-eyed reader Dale points out, DDDP.com was purchased, through a third party, for the price of $2,500 dollars a year ago.
The third party broker was paid a 15% commission fee, or $375 dollars.
Several months later, the domain was sold, through a second third party, for approximately $4,000 dollars. The commission that time was $400 dollars.
During the past 6 months, the domain was auctioned twice at NameJet; first for $5,700 dollars, and recently for $5,000 dollars. The two NameJet fees were most likely $855, and $750 dollars respectively.
So in less than a year, the domain has generated $2,380 dollars in auction fees or brokerage commissions!
Who’s winning?
Well, it’s not Charlie Sheen, and is probably the brokers.