The Pope launched News.va with a single iPad keypress. Amen.
Good afternoon my domain children. As I do every Sunday I address the domain congregation with important news.
It seems that while we were asleep, Sedo raised their fees. Since the biblical times, the allocation of 10% of one’s wealth to the poor seems to have lost its meaning. So now Sedo will instead retain 15% and up to 20% in some cases, for selling your domain assets with them.
But this is not the important news I was going to talk about.
On Wednesday, Pope Benedictus XVI pressed a key on his holy iPad and launched a beautiful new web site, filled with news from the Vatican.
The link is of course at News.va – a keyword domain that cannot be confused for anything else. I wonder how much it costs to register .va domains these days and whether the Pope offers special discount coupons.
Let’s all praise the Domain Lord for granting us enough living days to witness such an astounding technological advancement, so that the Holy See reflects upon us the beauty and the blessings of Tweeting, Facebooking and Tumblring.
Wishing you a beautiful and serene 4th of July,
~Father Domainicus.
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Hey Father Domainicus,
Do ya think the Vatican will spring for the $185,000 application fee and apply to ICANN to operate
either the .pope or .vatican new GTLD?
Sorry Father, no discount for applying for both.
Trico – Do you think there is a need for an “earthly” gTLD? The Vatican should spring for .jesus, .god or .catholic, methinks
“The Vatican should spring for .jesus, .god or .catholic, methinks ”
Sorry Lucius but…
My good friend Jesus Ramirez already has dibs on the .jesus tld.
The Vatican will have to go up against Jesus and his Bronx Posse and they won’t stand a chance.
By the way Jesus is pronounced by the Puerto Ricans here as Hey Soos NOT Gee Sus.
.god won’t work because God demands that the G always be capitalized and there’s no way currently
to do that on the Internet. Is there?
.god will have to be saved for one of the lesser gods.
.catholic would be a waste of money as the Catholic Church is in serious decline… at least here in NYC.
But I believe just about everywhere in the U.S.
Lots of Parishes closing.
There is a serious shortage of Catholic Priests and not much of a new crop on the way.
Don’t believe me?
Just Google “shortage of Catholic priests” and “catholic church in decline”.
From : “Statistical decline of the Catholic Church since Vatican II”
“Priestless parishes.
About 1 percent of parishes, 549, were without a resident priest in 1965.
In 2002 there were 2,928 priestless parishes, about 15 percent of U.S. parishes.
By 2020, a quarter of all parishes, 4,656, will have no priest. ”
Source: http://www.tldm.org/news6/statistics.htm