Tough road ahead, as #DNForum owners are announced at the #domain forum – new owners.

DNForum, the oldest domain name forum, has new owners; today, a formal announcement revealed the core team that acquired it.

According to a post on, active members Castion, Seek99 and Johnn are the new co-owners. Lars Lima (Castion), Oliver Hoger (Seek99) and John Nguyen (Johnn) are their respective names.

The enthusiastic announcement seeks to revive DNForum and make it “rise from the ashes,” reversing the damage done by previous owners, whose actions and inactions in recent years, drove traffic to the ground, and introduced irrelevant content, such as fantasy football and cryptocurrency news.

The administrators have already removed the crypto forums that overwhelmed visitors with their constant updates; focus will be on domain investing and creating a sustainable domain investing community.

In the coming months, the new owners of DNForum will work hard to restore its former glory, per their announcement:

We know it is a monumental task to bring DNF back from the brink its teetering on (/fell off) but we believe that its possible by focusing on the core values that made DNF great. A lot of people invested their money, time and wisdom here and that deserves respect. We hope to return some of that invested energy back to our community members in the form of actual tangible benefits.

Some of our short-term goals are;

A return to the gold / platinum / exclusive membership classes and forums.
A roll back to some of the old forums categories.
A new design to help us turn a fresh page.
Bringing back the trader ratings.
Removing Adsense ads.
Killing the crypto forums. (Already done).

We will not be taking the forums offline but will implement our updates piecemeal during the coming months.

Overall, we want to move the focus away from creating short term profits and towards building a sustainable community that is laser focused on domain name investing and discussion. Our end goal is for DNF to rise from the ashes reinvigorated as the go to place for professionals in our industry.

Some of our long-term development goals are;

Implementing a tag-based marketplace system and search.
Bringing value and benefits back into the exclusive membership.
Making user-driven innovation a focal point for further development.

We are not kidding ourselves. It won’t be an easy task, but we are in it for the long run. In the end many small steps goes a long way. We hope that you will join us in this journey and help us achieve our goal.

The road ahead is tough for DNForum, which was created in 2001 by Dan Gessler, then a 15 year old high school entrepreneur.

We’re looking forward to helping the new owners expand the domain community that helped provide many of us with their first interactive steps in domain investing.

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One Response to “Tough road ahead, as #DNForum owners are announced at the #domain forum”
  1. Pat Kaehler says:

    This is GOOD News…
    I’ll work it back in to my weekly visit schedule… (smile)
    I might even go the extra step and do a custom research list for posting exclusively there (weekly)…

    Good Luck to the New Owners…
    Thanks for stepping up to make a once useful-fun-spot useful again…

    ~Patricia Kaehler
    San Antonio , Texas — and — Dayton, Ohio


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