Frank Schilling’s Uniregistry has apparently fixed a glitch that partially affected the launch of both .Sexy and .Tattoo.

A .tattoo can be really .sexy!
As of today, any domains that have been reserved by the Registry return the following status:
>>> This name is not available for registration: >>> Registry reserved name for .tattoo
During the launch, the status returned for reserved domains was identical to a domain being unregistered, as follows:
>>> No match for "";
This fix will hopefully lead to more .Sexy and .Tattoo domains being registered from now on.
I agree many were not sure what the deal was, I was telling everyone if you got that reserved, but there were a lot of confused people. Glad they got it fixed.
Raymond – It’s definitely been a test drive for this pair of gTLDs, and hopefully it will make things smoother from now on.