What’s your favorite food? Frank Schilling probably owns it

A while back we wrote about the keyword snafu with a domain name that uber-domainer, Frank Schilling owns, Pastitsio.com

This wonderful, tasty and nutritious Greek pasta dish is owned by no other than Frank Schilling, who – despite being a late comer to the domaining game – made strategic moves in the early 2000’s.

Often times, I look up my favorite food, dish or beverage for availability as a .com. It seems that this also increases my appetite so I have to be careful.

The shocking part is, that quite often, these domains are taken by no other than Frank Schilling’s Name Administration.

  • PotatoSalad.com? Taken by Frank.
  • RanchDressing.com? Taken by Frank.
  • YogurtWorld.com? Frank owns it.
  • AsiaFood.com? It’s Frank’s.
  • FlourTortillas.com? God damn it. It’s Frank’s again.

And so forth. Frank Schilling also owns PotFest.com – in case you got the munchies.

We give up, Frank owns every dish on the menu and makes a nice hefty living from it! Don’t believe us? Go to DomainTools.com and look up your favorite dish – see what you can come up with!

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11 Responses to “What’s your favorite food? Frank Schilling probably owns it”
  1. Tia Wood says:

    HAHAHA. I did as your article suggested and typed in http://www.friednoodles.com and sure enough….

  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    See? See???

    I’m going to invent a new dish name so that Frank doesn’t own it (I will have to register the .com first).

  3. Tia Wood says:

    I love chicken salad. Oh look: http://www.chickensalad.com

  4. Tia Wood says:

    WTF?! http://www.chocolatecoveredcoffeebeans.com

    I was REALLY hoping that was available. πŸ™

  5. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Wait – Frank doesn’t own http://www.chickensoup.com/ – It’s a trademark πŸ˜€

  6. Andrew says:

    A few more…


    I’m hungry. I have to go now…

  7. fizz says:

    That’s cool. And another: cantaloupe.com

  8. sammy says:

    OMG this is insane, he has them all!!

  9. Ben Wilks says:

    The sooner the World appreciates he is insane, insanely amazingly good insane, and especially why, the better. Maybe educating the masses as to his awesomeness is the next step for Frank? Win win for all. ROI based on time is why he won’t but that’s the best part of domaining, time passes as a constant, value rises as a constant and they’ll all eventually work it out!

    Or will they?

  10. John Martel says:

    Tia, wait a minute, you mean you didn’t check ChickenWings.com?

    Wow, Frank does NOT own that one… Garry Chernoff does.

  11. BullS says:

    he does not own IloveDurian.com

    that the stinkin fruit and I love it.I used to grow them in my garden.

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