We often get contacted by freelance writers, or content providers requesting “link love juice” in exchange for content or infographics.
Not too long ago, Matt Cutts – the Google SEO baron – announced that guest posting is a practice that Google penalizes.
It makes no difference to Google whether someone shared the guest posting first; if it’s not unique to that particular web site, the multi-link back to the single source takes substantial SEO points off the publisher.
That’s why we do not provide any such content on DomainGang; when articles or graphics get replicated across dozens or hundreds or web sites, the only one that benefits is the creator of the content, not those that share it.
Providing unique content, articles and infographics is the only way to maintain a good relationship with Google, Bing and other major search engines.
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Very wise! Be aware that other nieve or inconsiderate bloggers also extract identical posts from domainers, albeit, partially cited, they are ambidextrous in nature!
I’ve notified the official domain bloggers when such material is noted but these have a go blogs crop up from time to time.