Wordle domains: #Fetus is a taboo word, apparently, but Fetus.com is for sale

The popular word game Wordle has a pre-determined array of words built in; one of them is “fetus.”

Recently leaked news about the potential attempt to overturn Roe vs. Wade at the Supreme Court have raised the temperature of existing debates. Women’s rights to an abortion involve the definition of a “fetus” and in the US such polarization falls between party lines: Democrats support the right of women to an abortion while Republicans oppose it.

It seems that Wordle operators New York Times decided to pull the word “FETUS” from Wordle as to not engage its readers with a word that is related to recent news. Which of course is a ridiculous move, akin to turning the Latin word fetus into some type of taboo word.

Meanwhile, the matching domain name Fetus.com can be acquired from GoDaddy by filling out a form. Registered in 1996, the domain Fetus.com was acquired by GoDaddy’s NameFind division as part of the portfolio acquisition of the Elite Domains Group in 2016.

Perhaps the domain Fetus.com would be acquired by an organization willing to stand up for women’s rights in the US and the rest of the civilized countries of the world.

A fetus study – Illustration by Leonardo da Vinci

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