DomainGang: Into the 5th year and a badge from Google

Last day of July today, and time for another editorial.

DomainGang celebrates its 5th anniversary at the end of September, something that we could never fathom. What started as a collection of jokes and news about the domain industry, has become part of a full time business.

The most rewarding part of this, isn’t the consistent traffic that our very own sponsors enjoy, but the knowledge of how we provide value and entertainment to a readership that reaches beyond domaining.

I’d like to thank Attila and Maxwell for providing some “nutty” content as well, showcasing a great side of their personalities as domainers.

Yesterday’s post of Frank Schilling’s birthday being available on Google generated a “badge of honor” from there as well. In an email to Frank, Google executives relayed their belated “happy birthday” wishes, having found about it from our very post. Being of service to the Big Search Engine versus the other way around surely feels strange but gratifying all the same. 😀

The 30 days leading up to our 5th Anniversary will be celebratory and jovial. This is the time that the domain industry grows and expands beyond the small circle of supporters that defined “domaining.”

Many thanks for the continuing support; almost 4,000 posts later, we remain as humble and consistent as when we started.

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