Give the Guy a Break!

All day today, Francois at has been adding, removing, shuffling, shifting and moving ad blocks on the left side, the right side and both sides of the web site.

Mere aesthetic experimentation?

This happened, only after several insensitive domainer bloggers accused Francois of seeking to monetize via ads and Paypal donations; in a clear display of dejection, Francois stripped of all content except for the feeds themselves.

Who would have thought, that an entrepreneur that has accelerated the information exchange among domainers would need some cash in exchange, right???

After all, we are all in for the thrill of the game and we have solved our life’s monetary problems by inheriting large estates from our grandfathers.

Give the guy a break, for fuck’s sake.

Let him add the large square ads back, the Paypal donate button and restore the active, live, positively busy look of – it’s the least you can do for Francois so that he keeps up alive.

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One Response to “Give the Guy a Break!”
  1. I thought I was going to different sites, each time it changed. You are correct its his site, I am not sure why the nonsense continues. I mean I am not sure he can expect to recover the cost of the domain with an aggregator site. But he should be able to make monthly income without all the nonsense. And people are still going to come to the site no matter who pulls their feed.

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