We’d like to welcome MiniSites.com to the list of current DomainGang sponsors and associates. MiniSites.com uses a proven recipe with regards to development: quality work, small scale deployment, expert SEO. Just because a project needs fewer pages, why compromise on quality like most others do?
A lot has been said about domain development – a lot of fluff, that is.
Like every industry that lacks education on subjects that are not directly related, domaining suffers from lack of quality expertise in domain development.
There are very few exceptions to the rule – one of which was AEIOU of Rick Latona’s which is now closed for good. While Rick reputedly wants $250,000 for the domain name alone, he swore not to get involved with development again during the “Fast Track” event at TRAFFIC Las Vegas.
Regardless, those that do understand and deliver domain development aren’t the ones that simply change the domain DNS to the nameservers of a glorified parking company that currently holds a “developer” event.
The MiniSites.com mantra is “Shift your domains out of park!” This is your opportunity to drive onto the development highway – leaving those that park domains in order to wear a “developer’s” hat in the dust!
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