Demand Media stock plummets – Google Panda 2.0 to blame?

Demand Media, owners of mass-produced content farm eHow has lost a sizable chunk of its traffic due to the new Google Panda 2.0 release of April 11th.

Despite escaping the wrath of Google during the initial Google Panda 1.0 release, eHow is now essentially slaughtered by the new Google ranking algorithm.

The Demand Media stock took a dive today, plummeting more than 6% as of this time.

On May 5th, Demand Media will be reporting its Q1 / 2011 financial results. The real pain will appear in the financial results of Q2 / 2011.

Stay tuned.

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4 Responses to “Demand Media stock plummets – Google Panda 2.0 to blame?”
  1. BullS says:

    Isn’t it ironic to have the company name called Demand Media when she is at the whim of Google


    Puss-y media

  2. Owen frager says:

    Boy that ipo was timed right1.1 they slipped out rich beforqeq anyone noticed the chinks in tha armor ( those guys have the Midas touch for that, poor Rupert!)

  3. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Exactly! Preferred stock holders cashed in soon after the IPO.

  4. Jeff says:

    How do you know eHow lost a sizable chunk of its traffic? According to Alexa, eHow merely dropped from 87 to 108 in the last week. Compete isn’t showing any drop in traffic yet.

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