Some days of the week seem to be more suited for selling domains, others tend to be great for buying.
A lot of domainers maintain a buy-to-sell ratio that can be below 1, just 1 or above 1.
Today’s Domain Poll of the Day attempts to take your pulse on exactly that.
Your opinion counts!
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Domain buyers are lying….there are NONE…no one is buying except endusers who need a certain domain for their biz.
Domainers are NOT buying…they are in the selling stage!
Domainers might be buying junk for under $1000…but definately not over $25k+ like in the old days.
Good Luck to ALL you suckers and fuckers!!!
Anunt – Pepper on the tongue!!!
I bought a $40k, 17k and a few sub 1k names over the last month or so Anunt. I guess I’m not a domainer though