– Waste of a $250,000 domain

The appraisal of top-tier 2-letter .com, is moderate at a quarter of a million dollars.

The letters match the ISO code for Egypt; a country that was in the world news a lot recently, and that’s where the majority of its traffic comes from, according to Alexa.

However, the domain is simply parked with no content even: one has to select a category to even display ads!

Surely a waste of plentiful revenue!

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3 Responses to “ – Waste of a $250,000 domain”
  1. It is owned by who have a killer portfolio and normally parked but nameservers appear to have two NS2 settings? Could this cause it not to resolve?

    Does anyone actually know who Are?

    Who is behind the company Ltd. (.ky)?

  2. @Officialceleb it does resolve. Normally when you see the “403 Error – Forbidden” page with SmartName dns it means the owner didn’t add it to his account yet.

    @Lucius If I have the money, I wouldn’t mind paying $250k for it anytime. Maybe one day.

  3. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Earlier today the domain displayed (domainsponsor?) ads. As of now there is a 403 error.

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