Affected by the shape of global economy, domain auction houses will now offer direct auctions to other auctions and so forth.
As hinted by Rick Latona’s exclusive newsletter – The Latona’s VIP Club Daily Gazette – TRAFFIC domains will now be auctioned at GreatDomains auctions, which themselves will be auctioned at Sedo or Afternic, without delay – as long as the registrar is Moniker.
“It’s a great timesaver for domainers that flip domains via auctions to other domainers, that in turn auction them right away. We simplify the process by auctioning the domains from one auction house to the next; thus, an active domainer will be able to catch these valuable domains at some point during an auction!”, wrote Rick.
Expect more such innovations in the coming months from the company that stole all the vowels and put them in a dot com.
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Close enough
“…domain auction houses will now offer direct auctions to other auctions and so forth.”
Is SnapNames included in this domain auction round robin?
“Domain Auction Round Robin” – beautiful name. I wonder if Rick has already registered the .com
It does have a certain ring to it. Snapnames? Unfortunately now that Hank Alvarez moved to Bido, things have changed.