This is an almost true story, by Dale G.
Joe Backlink, a seasoned domainer and SEO specialist from Seattle, took a gamble and purchased
The following day, the protesters renamed the area to Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. Joe was out $2500 on his investment.
Luckily he was able to grab at reg fee. Within 4 hours, Joe had an offer of $2000 dollars! Knowing he could get more, and hoping to cover his $2500 investment in, he held out.
By the time Joe got back from lunch, the same day, the protesters shortened the name to CHAZ. Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone just wouldn’t fit on the signs.
Never one to quit, Joe reached out to the owner of, and was able to put together a quick deal for $20,000. Being a, a guy’s name, and the latest name of the 6 block region cordoned off in Seattle, he knew he could get $40k for the domain.
Show me the money! Joe watched Jerry Maguire while he waited for offers to roll in.
After 2 days with no offers, Joe felt something was awry. He looked out his window and saw it: Capitol Hill Occupied Zone!
A quick trip to eNom later, he grabbed before anyone else could. He felt it, this name was going to stick, finally!
But in a plot twist worthy of a Greek drama, fate was already plotting against his plan.
Before Joe could change the nameservers to and he looked out the window to notice new signs saying CHOP.
What the f***!
Doesn’t matter, was available for sale. Joe hand delivered the $130k to buy and then went straight to the Porsche dealer to put a deposit on a new 911 S complete with ‘DOMAINS’ painted on the rear bumper.
In the end, after 3 years, Joe sold to Cher’s daughter, and to a knife company.
After commission, Joe Backlink was able to get an extra value meal at Wendy’s.
Rumor has it Frank Schilling took delivery of that Porsche at a big discount, because nobody gets a Porsche with ‘DOMAINS’ on the bumper unless they sell at just the right time.
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