Making David Castello proud: bree models Gibson guitars

Lead singer of “bree” and flying-v guitar player extraordinaire, bree Gibson, is launching a parallel career in modeling. Not that of fashion, mind you – that is for the weak! bree’s inclusion in the 2014 Gibson Guitar catalog, modeling the Gibson Firebird guitar and the Gibson Thunderbird bass reinstate once again her “kick-ass” status in the […]

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Mega group ‘Bree’ rocks the .CO

Rock mega group ‘Bree‘, a collaboration of singer and flying-V guitarist, Bree Gibson and domain investor/drummer David Castello, acquired the matching .co domain. The domain was in the hands of a domain opportunist from Colombia since 2010, but it dropped in early November. Currently a shortcut to the band’s Facebook page, will hopefully […]

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Rock of ages: David Castello and Bree Gibson get engaged

This has to be the union of the century! 😀 David Castello – domain investor, developer and rock star extraordinaire – and Bree Gibson, expert flying-V guitar strummer and popular rock singer, have announced their engagement. We are thrilled about this couple, because they are not only musically talented, they are great people as well! […]

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Bree should have been in this Windows 8 commercial!

Microsoft is launching Windows 8 on Friday; for that purpose they shot a fun commercial featuring emerging artists and their music, with updates rolling as images and video on the Windows 8 interface. While we think this is fun, we’d expect to see Bree – rocking star and special lady of domainer drummer, David Castello […]

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