As Snapnames rebates arrive in the mail, Domainers await the next Domain Scandal

It’s been a full two months since the Hank Alvarez (aka “Nelson Brady“) scandal broke the sleepy waters of the Domain village.

It was a day of infamy, when Snapnames announced that their very own Vice President of Engineering did nothing short of engineer the results of thousands of domain auctions.

At the point of breaking the news, Snapnames had already hired Rust Consulting, a third party forensics company specializing in putting out legal fires before they become holocausts.

Two months and two class action lawsuits later, our Snapnames rebate check has arrived in the mail; right in time for the celebration of the Russian new year. Spasiba, Snapnames.

We would like to thank Snapnames for delivering back with interest, the $x,xxx in money that we spent competing with Hank Alvarez. What about the blood, sweat and tears, these are still pending.

To be honest, the Oversee company is definitely trying to invest in a future of less suspicious domain bidders and to increase profits for the company.

Until the next domain scandal hits.

We decided to take your pulse about what could potentially happen in the future, with regards to a scandalous situation.

What would be the next domain scandal?

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7 Responses to “As Snapnames rebates arrive in the mail, Domainers await the next Domain Scandal”
  1. BullS says:

    The next scandal is DomainGang is part of the mafia organized crime.

  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    BullS – from now on each comment will have a $1 surcharge. Thanks for the idea. 😀

  3. BullS says:

    Lucius—I would pay twice just to be part of your Family!!!
    or even chop my pinkie to show my loyalty to the DomainGang.

    Is it okay to tatoo DmainGang on my right butt? or left?

    I love you ..MAN!!! and am so proud to be a member of the DomainGang.

  4. Holly says:

    I voted for Tia Wood, she deserves the best 😀

  5. DnDude says:

    The cockroach theory says that the next scandal will be SnapNames. For those not familiar, the theory says that if you see one cockroach, there are bound to be more.

  6. Tia Wood says:

    Holly, thank you but I already have the best. 😉

  7. Justin says:

    You call these scandals?

    Scandal would be if it turned out that Anunt ( is actually the domain king’s alter-ego 😉

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