All your domains are come from us: the XYZ Registry doesn’t seem to run out of reasons for another annual mega promotion.
A year ago, it was the infamous penny promotion, resulting in almost 3 million domain registrations.
Now, an aged meme such as “All your base are belong to us” is being turned into a 1.111 billion domain registration extravaganza.
What do we mean by that?
The XYZ Registry is now offering all numeric domains between 000000.xyz and 999999999.xyz for $0.99, in an attempt to attract the crazy Chinese domain investors willing to spend more cash on intangible assets.
There are 1.111 billion domains in that range, and this promotion will be going all out.
According to the XYZ “white paper” on the web site AYDACFU.xyz :
“To stimulate innovation and creativity, all 6 – digit, 7 – digit, 8 – digit, and 9 – digit .xyz domains in the 1.111B Class have a recommended retail price of $0.99 per year, and can be registered on an as – needed basis through a mature network of registrars and resellers.”
Has Daniel Negari gone all out nuts with numbers?
Quite possibly, as the full registration of this range would render revenue of $1.09989 billion dollars before all costs, ICANN fees etc. If he pulls it off, he’ll be the first billionaire domainer ever – without even owning his last name as a .com.
The XYZ Registry makes a promise regarding these .XYZ domains:
“These domains will be monitored under strict anti – abuse guidelines to keep all .xyz domains safe and reputable.”
Definitely a marketing campaign to watch – begin with the video below:
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My gut tells me they know their domains are being used mostly for spam, so they lower the price to where it makes sense to use as throwaways.
Barry manilow – According to SpamHaus, XYZ is not even in the top ten of most abused gTLDs. See: http://domaingang.com/domain-news/spamhaus-and-domain-names-may-2017-report-of-most-abused-tlds/