DNCruise 2011 with Chef Patrick and Frank Schilling.
Ahoy mates! The Black Pearl has arrived and it sets you on a mission in the waters of the Caribbean!
That’s right, Chef Patrick and his DNCruise are once again ready to circumnavigate the friendly shores of southern Florida, onto Mexico and – surprise, surprise – Grand Cayman.
Setting sail from port of Tampa, Florida on September 5th, 2011 and returning on September 10th – the Black Pearl with Captain Chef Patrick is ready to bring an adventurous “Pirates of the Caribbean” twist to domaining, pieces of eight and all.
The long-term residence of Frank Schilling will be a crucial meeting point for domainers, during DNCruise this fall and meeting with Frank Schilling will be rewarding, as Frank is known to give a generous amount of rum cakes to his guests.
Don’t worry, Frank will also discuss domaining and his latest Internet Traffic project as well.
For more information and to book your very own cabin aboard the Black Pearl, head over to DNCruise.com mateys!
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After watching Shark Week, I am so damn afraid to touch the water with my toes.
Man–I have nightmares –:Show me your teeth”
The shark mouth is about 3 feet by 3 feet and one chomp of 280lbs of pure meat.
I’m disappointed, I was hoping to see chef and frank photoshopped looking like johnny depp and kiera knightley lol