No reserve price lands domain in James Booth’s lap!

James Booth, celebrating another domain.

Listing your premium domains without reserve can be a very dangerous decision.

Unless the auction is widely advertised and accessible, the lack of a carefully-chosen reserve price can lead to a surprisingly low auction result.

The Sav auction for the domain name closed at a shocking $227 dollars as no reserve was set. A low participation volume contributed to just a handful of people bidding, as opposed to hundreds that might have been interested in the exact match domain for “computer program.”

The domain was acquired by its seller a year ago via DropCatch, for $800 dollars, thus generating a sizable loss. It is now listed for sale by domain investor James Booth, apparent winner of the auction, for the sum of $9,995 dollars, using the Efty platform and

Now that’s a fair price we’d love to see this premium domain name sell at!

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