Chinese domain market: Letters are out, numbers are in

There are 22 provinces in China and Guangdong is one of them.

The Chinese domain market is booming.

The explosive growth of a variety of domain strings in China has left many domain investors wondering if it is accurate or even sustainable.

Current prices are up, regardless, and many sales are being reported – and many others remain unreported. is a nice little tool that aggregates such domain sales in Chinese domain venues.

Domain investor Attila Steven Csanyi, has spent several years living and working in China.

Currently preparing for the launch of his adult toy, eJaculator, Csanyi has many connections among the Chinese crowd of entrepreneurs and common people alike.

We asked Steven to inquire among his friends and contacts in China, about a variety of Chinese domain market “sweethearts“.

The results were mixed:

  • General people don’t care about LLLL or numeric domains. Semi technical people don’t care about them either.
  • When asked, some business people didn’t seem to understand the benefit of owning a

Steven then inquired about numeric domains, and the results were much more positive:

  • Numbers containing 8, such as were received with excitement.
  • Domains like were commented as good to have as well.
  • Mixed numbers, such as left people baffled, trying to think if there was a secret meaning behind it.
  • Number 4 was immediately rejected as “bad luck”; many Chinese buildings don’t even have a 4th floor, it’s referred to as 3a.

In a nutshell: Letter combinations, whether they mean something in pinyin are a hard sell among the Chinese. Numeric domains, on the other hand, can be easier to promote and sell, even if their meaning is artificially crafted.

Many thanks to Attila Steven for this research among his Chinese contacts, and we will follow up with any new findings.

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3 Responses to “Chinese domain market: Letters are out, numbers are in”
  1. Meyer says:

    Quote – “Letter combinations, whether they mean something in pinyin are a hard sell among the Chinese. ”

    Which is interesting, considering I receive more inquiries daily for my LLLL than NNNNN. Just an observation, I don’t have any answers.

  2. DomainGang says:

    Meyer – From domain speculators, not from end users.

  3. Hire.Domains says:

    GD …’s two years from now that really interests me when the powers that be proclaim we must all now choose our “life domain” Those that do not choose either numeric or acronym style names will be sent to moon …….without pay!

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