Daniel Negari : New .Car, .Cars and .Auto domains arrive with full GPS

A promotional launch of a triad of automotive gTLDs could not have been bigger.

Dot .Car, dot .Cars and dot .Auto represent a joint venture of the XYZ Registry and Uniregistry; in true Californian fashion, they are going live with a big bang.

“We wanted to let everyone know how much value these domains represent to the automotive industry,” said Daniel Negari, founder and CEO of XYZ.

“Many domainers have been lost around downtown Los Angeles, San Francisco or even Thompkinsville, Kentucky, because they were navigating without a GPS. So we’re giving away a free GPS with every .Car, .Cars, or .Auto domain!”


Negari’s promotional gift isn’t a gimmick: the GPS works for the entire period a .Car, .Cars or .Auto domain is registered and active.

“Initially we were looking into offering upgraded spoilers done ‘rice’ style, or an XYZ decal, but domain owners want quality. For the price they’re paying, a premium GPS device and satellite service by Starburst adds real value to their domain. That’s how we roll at XYZ!” exclaimed Daniel Negari.

The GPS system represents a $499 value, before taxes. California emissions tax is discounted; one GPS per person, per domain, per day, certain terms and conditions apply.

To get your free GPS make sure you register a .car, .cars or .auto domain and notify the XYZ Registry to claim your gift.

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3 Responses to “Daniel Negari : New .Car, .Cars and .Auto domains arrive with full GPS”
  1. Hire Domains says:

    My Butler says these extensions are way overpriced

  2. DomainGang says:

    Hire Domains – Fire your butler!

  3. Hire Domains says:

    Who will serve High Tea ……. Daniel ?

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