Assholes.com is live.
DNForum owner, Adam Dicker, has launched Assholes.com as a consumer complaint web site, aimed at people that were hit with chargebacks after a transaction.
Assholes.com will feature complaints, as a method of recouping the funds.
Although the domain itself is definitely vulgar, we all call “assholes” those that often behave in an unscrupulous, defrauding manner.
Adam’s Press Release:
“If anyone has ever screwed you over online, in life for $, or done a chargeback to you submit a complaint about them on assholes.com, I have done this twice and sent them the link and they paid up. Nobody likes to Google their name and have the first listing show their name beside the word assholes. Enjoy! We can take down the link once they make restitution.”
The web site is operational as of now.
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Adam dickers “DnfBlog.com” doesn’t open for me, anyone having this problem?
There should be a category called low ball Domainers
“Visit BullS at the mental institution” for Domain Shame
Need to put this in the ass hole column.
Something we will support.
Dicker opens up assholes
nice one.
Dick meets assholes? lol
Is the statement “We can take down the link once they make restitution.” not tantamount to blackmail ?.Just asking.
I’m glad the headline wasn’t “Asshole launches Dicker.com”
Faris Khan – I would expect that provided an allegation of fraud is substantiated, the perpetrator is the guilty party, not the one who was defrauded.
Will Rick write also about his brazilian friends there ?

Can I report the “Idaho Tax Commission”, the IRS, or the Federal Government? Those complaints will never be taken down…
I think it’s good if they run it fairly.
If parties can resolve problems and the issue be removed from the results, then it can only be a positive force.
OTOH, sites like RipoffReport and they way they conduct business is just fucking appalling. They aren’t helping consumers or ‘getting bad guys’ – they are regularly (and unfairly) hurting a lot of otherwise good people.
These kinds of sites can be used for good or evil. They can be used as genuine consumer advocacy sites, or they can be used as power trips by petty, small men of low character. We will learn what kind of man Adam is based on how he chooses to operate it. I hope he does the right thing.