Domains on the brain: Bizwork network interviews domain strategist Nadia Pessoa

Domain investing is a league of its own, and it possesses a self-sustained marketing segment, attracting entrepreneurs from various professions around the world.

Bizwork TV has launched a video series dedeicated to the creative process behind a variety of business owners, and its host, Mayra Ruiz-McPherson interviews domain investor and professional harpist, Nadia Pessoa.

In the almost 30 minute long fourth episode, aptly titled “We’ve Got Domains On The Brain With Domain Strategist Nadia Pessoa“, we get to view an honest, head-on description of the modus operandi needed to succeed in domain investing, and the effort required to do so efficiently.

Nadia’s testimony is particularly important, as the show is not addressing domainers, but rather, the broad audience of entrepreneurs who are looking for an educative introduction to domains, domaining and domain investing in general.

The interview is a gallant attempt to reveal the power of domains to the so-called “Main Street”, and it does so quite well. It’s always refreshing to be able to tap into the mind of successful entrepreneurs, keen on being creative and persevering in all that they do.

You can read more about the series and view the video on Nadia’s web site,

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2 Responses to “Domains on the brain: Bizwork network interviews domain strategist Nadia Pessoa”
  1. Mayra Ruiz-McPherson says:

    I just wanted to personally thank you so much for sharing our show’s 4th episode with Domain Strategist Nadia Pessoa (@DomainSushi) with your blog readership. Nadia is a fountain of domain knowledge and we have another upcoming show featuring her in the near future. Will keep you posted. Hope this episode was really insightful and again, thank you so kindly for sharing it here. Sincerely, Mayra @mayraruiz (and Karina) from (@bizworkTV)

  2. DomainGang says:

    Hi Mayra – You’re very much welcome. Your show and interviewing approach brings a lot of value to those outside of the domain industry, and puts a lot of industry interviews to shame. Very thorough, great to watch; the entire series is a gem.

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