Athenian Agility: Adapting quickly to market changes in domain investing

The Athenians, Greek citizens of Athens, were renowned for their agility and adaptability, traits that helped them navigate various military and political challenges. Their ability to innovate and adjust strategies in the face of adversity was instrumental in their success, particularly during the Greek-Persian Wars, where their naval prowess and strategic ingenuity led to victories […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. Brent Oxley pinches domain from NameFind

Domain mega-investor, Brent Oxley, has scored several new acquisitions of ultra-premium domains. For starters, Oxley pinched the domain from the NameFind stash, the managers of the GoDaddy-owned portfolio of domains. was registered in 1999. Two additional domain names acquired by Brent Oxley in recent weeks are and, registered in 1999 and […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. “For Sale” on Twitter!

French domain investor and entrepreneur, Francois Carrillo, created the most important news aggregator portal in the domain industry: The domain was registered in 1997 and around 2006 it was acquired by Francois from its previous registrant. On or around November 3, 2007, began to list domain-centric blogs that existed at the time. Here’s […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. Aged #domain name scores UDRP victory is a domain name registered in 2001 and its Korean registrant is in the business of buying and selling domains. He wants $100k for A Spanish company filed a UDRP to usurp, on the basis of a Spanish trademark. Plásticos FACA, S.A. has been in the business of manufacturing high-end plastic containers […]

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Editorial : The #domain name market 12 months from now

With one third of the United States population and similar numbers in Europe ordered to shelter in place, or to self quarantine, internet traffic is exploding. Companies such as YouTube and Netflix have agreed to lower streaming speeds significantly. On the other end of the spectrum, some items that are normally brick and mortar exclusives […]

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Sale of FB .com to #Facebook was an example of #domain scalping, says #Tumblr specialist

Domain scalping is an outdated reference to domain name investing, as perceived by the industry’s outsiders. Simply put, those who do not understand the concept of domain investing, or who are envious of the many success stories of domain investors, want to paint it in a negative light. A recent blog post by Verisign stirred […]

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The Seven Dirty Words of #Domaining

Domain investors come together from a variety of cultural, social and economical backgrounds. Thousands, if not millions of domainers around the world, share a common passion: the registration, development and sale of domain names. Big or small, rich or barely making a dime, established or hiding in obscurity, domain name investors pursue a common dream: […]

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Domain investor content with slow pace of sales; wife strongly disagrees

Antonio Gimones is not concerned about the slow pace of his domain sales; the branding and marketing professional from Bogota, Colombia, says it’s all good. “I have a portfolio of 3200 domains, many premium, numeric and brandables. I sell two to four domains a month, and at this rate, I’ll be able to sell my […]

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Mike Mann sold for five figures, after a hefty discount

Serial entrepreneur and occasional drummer, Mike Mann, sold the domain recently. Unlike some documented sales by Mike that achieved a ROI multiple in the hundreds, was an adequate flip. According to Mike Mann’s announcement, was sold for $15,000 dollars. Mike acquired the domain for $5,500 dollars a little over year ago, so […]

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GoDaddy glitches continue to annoy domain investors

GoDaddy has been having a less than stellar month, with issues stemming from its API and app changes. Earlier in June, GoDaddy began making changes to its API, along with the continuation of the investor app. The main GoDaddy app is being updated to utilize newer technology, but issues continue. On June 16th, GoDaddy log […]

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Divyank Turakhia : Are your domain names safe in the USA ?

Divyank Turakhia, Co-Founder and President of the Directi Group, participated as speaker during TRAFFIC East in Orlando, Florida, almost ten years ago. In a video spanning about 10 minutes, Divyank Turakhia discusses whether or not you should move your domains offshore, or is it safe to keep them in the United States. TRAFFIC 2008 East […]

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TRAFFIC 2008 – Rick Schwartz’s best 20 minute video interview ever!

Rick Schwartz gave his best video interview ever in 2008, right at the end of TRAFFIC East in Orlando, FL. The event, which was attended by yours truly, presented the opportunity to domain investors and company representatives to network and forge new business relationships. More than $2.5 million dollars‘ worth of domain names were sold […]

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