Dot .Games : Domain stats a month after general availability

Dot .Games launch: RightSide.

Dot .Games launch: RightSide.

Dot  .Games, the new gTLD for gamers, game creators and enthusiasts, just turned 30 days old.

RightSide gave its newest gTLD full support, promoting it at events such as Twitchcon.

In our opinion, dot .Games is the winner in the gallant battle against the singular, dot .Game.

According to stats provided by RightSide, almost 7,000 .Games domains have been registered during the first 30 days.

Of those, just over 200 premium .Games domains have been sold so far; these have elevated renewal prices. The majority of .Games domains cost under $20 dollars at various registrars.

Dot .Games domains are being adopted by games studios, such as Nintendo, that grabbed NintendoSwitch.Games for its latest home gaming system, the Nintendo Switch.

Note: RightSide is a premium sponsor of DomainGang.

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