Francois introduces Domain Poke to fight blog spam

Domain Poke: Fight blog toppers back.

If your blog appears on the “timeline” – now a trademark of Facebook – you often get frustrated about how some domainers seem to make a blog post as soon as you do.

This method, called topping or leap-frogging (or spamming) is quite common in order to bring attention to content that is of dubious quality.

Now Francois – the owner of – is introducing a new feature called “Domain Poke“.

“So people complain, you know, that I am lenient with certain domaineurs and let them post a lot’, said Francois while brushing his teeth and getting ready to go to bed.

“Absolument, when spam hits our door we hit back. So Domain Poke, very ingenious solution – absolument!”

When too many posts from the same person appear, you can send a “Domain Poke” to that person.

If 5 or more Domain Pokes pile up from various people then the post gets removed from plain view for the following 60 minutes.

This way, no topping is allowed. 😀

The new feature will be implemented tonight at 10:30pm Eastern so expect a spam hike before that.

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