Matt Cutts vs. Duane Forrester on SEO: Who wins?

Duane Forrester made an impressive closing session presentation and continued to interact with attendees long after its end, during NamesCon 2014 in Las Vegas.

The man in charge of the Microsoft Bing webmaster tools, released a Monday salvo today; this time debunking a series of popular SEO myths set forth by Google and Matt Cutts.


Who won? Take a look. 😀

SEO Myth 1: You Need to Rank #1  Obviously, you ideally want to rank number one, but just because you aren’t number one doesn’t mean you’re a failure. Sites can do extremely well in position number two or three, and even the top couple of results on the second page of the results. While the nuances are sometimes hard to determine, unless you have concrete data from being in different positions, above the fold is ideally where you want to be.

SEO Myth 2: Your Title Tag Will Save You  Yes, you need to have a well-crafted title tag, but not even the greatest title can save a site that’s horrible in every other way. However, a great title amongst other not-so-great titles will end up giving your site a boost when it comes to click-throughs.

SEO Myth 3: Social Is All You Need  Social should be a part of every SEO campaign, however you shouldn’t rely on it – you need to have things to back it up. BuzzFeed does amazingly well with social, but they back it up with content that gets a lot of traction. Social should be high on your priority list, but don’t abandon everything else to pursue it exclusively.

For the full course, read Duane Forrester’s new article debunking the SEO myths.


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