Operation Domainfall: Rick Schwartz finishes script of upcoming ‘007’ movie

You probably heard those rumors months ago: Rick Schwartz has been working on a ‘book‘ but little did we know that it was, in fact, a movie script!

Last night, soon after releasing an updated portrait shot, the Domain King hinted of little known information, regarding the final script for the movie.

With a working title of “Operation Domainfall“, the movie takes special agent 800King onto a frantic voyage across Europe, Asia and the United States.

Rick’s mission: to locate and terminate reverse domain name hijackers, all while educating corporate officials about the pragmatic worth of generic .com domains.

Throughout “Operation Domainfall”, Rick remains impervious to attempts by borderline-corrupt Russian domain mogul, Sergei Putanov, to influence his decisions via the introduction of scantily clad Ukrainian escorts.

Said Rick, earlier today:

“Listen folks, I feel better, healthier and tougher in my 60’s than I did in my 40’s when it all started. I am ready to produce some kick-ass material to educate the domainer masses. As for the reverse domain name hijackers, you are the scum of the earth and you will be exposed!”

Rick Schwartz’s upcoming private movie premiere is scheduled to coincide with Targeted TRAFFIC East 2013, the top domain event taking place from October 20-23 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

Tickets for the movie premiere will be given on an availability basis – as long as you ask nicely.

Operation Domainfall - With Rick Schwartz

Operation Domainfall – With Rick Schwartz – CLICK TO ENLARGE


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One Response to “Operation Domainfall: Rick Schwartz finishes script of upcoming ‘007’ movie”
  1. richard says:

    Bury all those reverse name hijacker guys. go rico suave

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