PETA goes .XXX

PETA is launching

PETAthe People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – is going the triple X way.

By launching, the often controversial organization is attempting to create an outlet for its often shocking ads that promote the protection of animals.

Ads by PETA often contain nudity and thus the .XXX realm is perfect for this.

The web site went live today with a statement:

“PETA’s mission is to put an end to animal suffering, and we use every available opportunity to spread this message we always have, and we always will. Unfortunately, this is not always an easy task. Unlike our opposition, which is mostly made up of wealthy industries and corporations, PETA must rely on getting free “advertising” through media coverage.
It’s a safe bet that many visitors to didn’t set out to learn about how animals are mercilessly slaughtered on today’s factory farms; understandably, such topics are convenient to ignore. That’s why PETA must make our message impossible to forget—and launching a website with a .xxx domain name is one way that we can achieve that goal.”

Ron Jeremy, the legendary porn star known as “the hedgehog“, is a spokesperson for animal rights and PETA uses his status to promote its cause. thus makes an interesting combination of adult content and “good cause”; a definite win for the ICM Registry – managers of .XXX.

DomainGang parodied PETA in the past; read our story about and PETA from 2010 that generated a lot of controversy! 😀


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2 Responses to “PETA goes .XXX”
  1. BullS says:

    Welcome back….we all miss you!!

  2. Raj says:

    This is the PETA’s way of attracting people..

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