Ever touched a chess piece then changed your mind – but were told that you’d have to play what you touched in the first place?
These are the rules of the game and unless you’re playing chess with your little brother and you can get away with cheating, don’t do it.
For months, the PPC industry has been suffering great drops in both the clickthrough rates and the pay per click – the amount given to the account holder for each click that was placed on ads displayed on their domains.
A new company called Pre-Click Cybernetics is about to take the PPC industry by storm, as they plan to implement technology that captures the elusive “pre-click” or “half-click”.
Johan Daurss, CEO of Pre-Click Cybernetics explains:
“Yes, it’s very simple, we utilize technology that takes into account the mouse movements of a visitor hovering over a series of ads and we determine, based on timing and data analysis which location he would have clicked on, if only he had clicked on it. We call this a “pre-click” and it carries a certain weight with our ad providers, which reward a portion of it as a similar type of click.”
The new method will prove invaluable for those that own domains with lots of traffic that somehow does not convert well, due to the lack of ads that relate 100% to the content. With such technology as the “pre-click” by Pre-Click Cybernetics, a large percentage of this otherwise lost traffic will now be monetized.
The behavioral study of consumers has led to this type of business, according to Johan Daurss.
“I think it’s a splendid idea, as all my girlfriends can’t decide on which toy or book ads to click on and can like, hover forever above the ads. So it’s like, kewl to like, get a prompt on the ad we really really want”, said Jessica K., teenager consumer with a giggle.
It’s rather soon to determine yet, whether companies like Sedo and Parked will implement similar “pre-click” programs in their systems. It was hard enough having Sedo count multiple clicks of a visit, now they will have to count the “pre-clicks” as well.
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Cheers, Great News, We need all the breaks we can get, tell a friend, help is on the way!! Thank You from all of us.
Yawn. Wake me when “pre-visit” monetization is available.
Then I can make bank on the millions of thieving bastards out there. Those that are thinking about my parked domains right this second, but never visit.
Thanks for the info.
Keep up the great website
preclick is a copyrighted name of a photo software. How does that add into being a new technology?