As part of the Sherpas team of domain investors, Rick Schwartz fully burst the dot .XYZ bubble and its artificially inflated numbers.
The weekly Sherpa interview included Adam Dicker, Mike Berkens, Page Howe and Rick Schwartz – Michael Cyger is the moderator and owner of
After being told by XYZ CEO, Daniel Negari, that his XYZ cherry popped, the Domain King states on video:
“Wait a second!
If I publish a newspaper, and I say, jeez, my circulation was forty thousand, and then you said – well, tell me who the forty thousand people were, and I say, wellll… nine thousand people paid for it… and then I went to another city and just left them all over their doorsteps and I ran out of town…
I’m sorry – that does not count to circulation, OK?
So that becomes, a little misleading, and, well, I don’t know what happened…but, I mean, this was an opt…you got the domain automatically, you had to opt out to not get it.”
Watch the epic video below.
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