Rick Schwartz : What is the Domain King®’s single post at NamePros about?

The Domain King®, Rick Schwartz, has been enjoying the benefits of being a retired domain blogger; the TRAFFIC founder maintains a healthy appetite for registrations of political and jargon domains.

For years, Rick shared his domain investment wisdom through his blog, RicksBlog.com, and did not participate in domain forums.

We discovered, however, the single post that Rick Schwartz made at NamePros, almost a decade ago! 😀

Rick joined NamePros on May 9th, 2007 and later on made his single post in order to clarify certain claims at the time, that he had sold the domain Telcom.com.

These claims were inaccurate.


It was January 13, 2008, when Rick Schwartz made the following post:

“The information being made up here and now elsewhere is not accurate.

I did not sell Telcom.com. I don’t and never have owned that domain. The domain I sold will be announced in 1-2 weeks.

Just want to set the record straight.

Thank you!”

Indeed, the domain that Rick had sold at the time, was iReport.com.

CNN acquired it for a massive $750,000 dollars. The domain currently forwards to an internal section of the news network.

Unfortunately, no other posts followed, and to this day, Rick Schwartz’s single post at NamePros remains as hallowed ground, touched by the Domain King® ! 😀

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One Response to “Rick Schwartz : What is the Domain King®’s single post at NamePros about?”
  1. Eric Lyon says:

    Nice find! Great sale as well! 😉

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