Sergei Putanov, the illustrious Russian billionaire and land developer is once again making headlines with yet another sizable domain investment.

Domain investor, Sergei Putanov.
Not content with the application of dot .prostitute in Cyrillic, Sergei Putanov intends to rock the adult domain industry with a new application at ICANN.
“In mother Russia we have a saying that man happy when see boobs every day, so strategic investment gTLD is dot .boobs,” said Sergei Putanov, while preparing his trip to Sochi for the Winter Olympics.
“Success come like mother’s milk, and milk come from boobs. Many understand life is like big boobs, beautiful and nurture. Is why I apply for dot .boobs, and hope win or I break leg ICANN officials!” added Sergei Putanov, referring to his trademark practice of physically hurting his competitors.
The introduction of a gTLD such as dot .boobs might cause reaction by some, particularly since ICANN has tightened the process of applying and qualifying for a gTLD; dot .boobs might offend some ICANN officials that aren’t familiar with Sergei Putanov’s modus operandi and overly liberal mind.
Still, there is room for adult niche gTLDs, a market controlled by the ICM Registry and its .XXX powerhorse.
With so many new gTLD applications going live daily, a great place to check is Plenty of boobs there.
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