Seven Mile no more. Hello Clone Tool Island.
Earlier today, Tia Wood’s sensors determined that Frank Schilling is about to start blogging again.
After a 2 year hiatus, the uber-domainer from the Caymans has moved his popular but highly inactive blog to a new location.
By moving the Seven Mile blog to DomainNameSales.com Frank Schilling is most likely getting ready to move himself to a smaller, less luxurious villa.
In other words, Frankie is most likely looking to sell the domain name, SevenMile.com, which has been his virtual home for so long.
Upon inspecting the call-to-action (CTA) image that adorns the right side of DomainNameSales.com we were shocked to see the low quality Photoshop work it has sustained.
Not sure if Frank does his own graphics, but the obvious cloning of frothy waves and clouds in the horizon creates an unnaturally surreal effect; on top of that, Frank’s in wet trunks that can give any sensible domainer the chills. Frank has been standing in them for 2 years!
The entire collage thus stretches the original square image into a rectangle worthy of the “seven mile” strip atop the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean. Not!
Frank, we love you but please get in touch for some advice on how to best promote your online image; the new CTA looks like a sloppy job – and that’s an understatement
Frank Schilling needs to invest some $$$$ in proper development, that image looks like crap LOL