The popular web site Down for everyone or just me went down a few minutes ago, after it apparently reached the quota allocated by its own web hosting plan.
The server displays the message:
Over Quota
This application is temporarily over its serving quota. Please try again later.
Apparently thousands of users are searching for “is my web site down”, attempting to figure out why their web sites – hosted at GoDaddy – are down.
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I tried using escrow this morning, it was down, guess they use godaddy as well, half the sites I use were down… lots of small online businesses taking a beating today…
hey Ron 😀 Correct, seems to be on GoDaddy hosting. A shame, really.
Update – They are back in business.
Wonderful as “downforeveryoneorjustme” is, the fact that it works only at the domain level is occasionally a problem — albeit probably not one they can do anything about. Today, for example, the specific page apparently is down, even though DFE reports that overall is working. All the relevant Google search results that are housed on the site are non-functional as well, although the snippet on one of them indicates that there was to be a planned outage of the EIN functions on Nov. 12, 2012, otherwise known as “today.” Unfortunately, that outage apparently likewise is taking out the pages on the site that might tell me how long the outage is going to last. Normally not a big deal, but in this case, I’ve spent the whole morning pulling together a letter to a financial institution for a project that I’ve been working on for three weeks, and the one last item I’d been going to include before faxing over the letter was the results from the EIN search for the partnership at the center of the project. Argh.