New Google logo: a mockery of Marissa Mayer’s “creative skills”

A few days ago, the Yahoo! CEO, Marissa Mayer,  announced that she “rolled up her sleeves and dove into the trenches” during a weekend redesign of the Yahoo! logo.

The former Google executive appeared to take the blows in stride, after the new Yahoo! logo was found to deliver only a smidgen of its former branding glory.

Google seems to have reaped this opportunity, presenting a redesigned Google logo today; the bevels and shadows are gone – flat is back, baby! 😀

The new Google logo.

The new Google logo.

Following the paradigm of Microsoft and the flatness of its Windows 8 “metro” interface, the new Google logo introduces adjusted hues of the same colors as before. The 3D elements are definitely gone; Yahoo! on the other hand, went from a flat design to a beveled one.

What do you think of the new Google logo – does it change anything for you?

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2 Responses to “New Google logo: a mockery of Marissa Mayer’s “creative skills””
  1. Greg says:

    Serious? You spelled her last name wrong. That’s a mockery of your “spelling” skills.

  2. DomainGang says:

    Greg – Write down the timestamp of your post, dude! It’s the time you fought the Internet and WON!

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