Frank Schilling: ‘Maybe domaining isn’t for you’

Mentorship is sometimes a religious experience; and newcomers to the domain investment arena are always looking up to people that are successful through hard work of their own.

There is no-one more popular or more approachable in the domain community than Frank Schilling, and despite his rare interaction through commentary at blogs other than his own, he often has important things to share.

Frank Schilling of Domain Name Sales

Frank Schilling of Domain Name Sales

In a comment left over at TheDomains, Frank Schilling makes a very clear statement about who is the master of your domain:

“When I started buying domain names, there were no blogs, no domainer publications, no news – no nothing. I sold a few small real estate holdings and plowed it all into domains, not knowing what to expect. There was nobody to talk to, nowhere to post, nothing to read; and everyone I told, thought I was nuts.”

Are domainers in need of a Messiah to hold their hand and lead them to the promised land?

It seems so, because these days the concept of hard work seems to be a missing trait with some domainers – all some want is guaranteed solutions!

So Frank spoke thus about this type of domainer crowd:

“If you are too unsure or too broke to take a registration price flyer on a dictionary word name in a new namespace in 2014 and you need an iron clad guarantee from frank schilling that these are investment grade assets, then maybe domaining isn’t for you. Nobody is going to hold your hand to prosperity. Do your research, use your head – and take your own risks.”

So there you have it.

This post is 100% true!

This post is 100% true!

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