Domain Stories for the Throne: Week of May 10th – What to read while pinching a loaf

Even the most constipated domainers don’t have enough time to keep up with the domain industry’s news and other updates – the one’s that are worthy, at least.

As of last week, we bring you the juicy summaries – a dozen domain related headlines – that you most likely missed, all while holding onto your roll of toilet paper.

Domain Stories for the Throne are here to keep you company without any of the fluff. The lower the “Constipation factor“, the quicker these stories read.

So if you want to make productive use of your time and your toilet, here are this week’s Domain Stories for the Throne.

Qwalify Loses Bid To Grab In UDRP But Panel Fails To Find RDNH
The lawyers of this company could not tell “Quid pro quo” apart, or Qua- from Qwa- for that matter. Mike Berkens lawyers them up, explaining what happened in this case. Constipation factor: 2%

Donuts is fighting the fake trademarks by making them all premium
Konstantinos of Online Domain has been flogging this trademark horse for a while, and it gets better each time he cracks the whip; there’s a lot of dirt swept under the gTLD rug. Constipation factor: 1%

Sophia Bekele: Blocked from ITU event over Dotafrica Dispute
Women professionals aren’t treated equally in Africa; then again, what else is new. Push came to shove over dot .Africa so watch the video if you have some time. Constipation factor: 7%

South Florida Domain Pros Forming the Industry’s 1st Local Professional Trade Association
Ron Jackson uncovers the high tech hot spots of South Florida (most likely Cuban sandwich factories) in this launch coverage of a Southern Florida domainer association, a good read. Constipation factor 4%

.club “hits top 10″ new gTLDs in minutes
Kevin Murphy talks about how dot .club is about to surpass dot .guru, until dot .ninja does them both. As Groucho Marx said, we don’t want to belong to any club that would accept us as members, but there are some interesting numbers attached to this article. Constipation factor: 4%

Domain Picks Dropping on May 8th 2014
Mark Hershiser posts daily domain picks, and there’s always a tidbit related to personal experiences from domain transactions. This one is a gem. Constipation factor: 0% – Using the .org Domain Extension When it Makes Sense
Josh Sexton of Domain Name Advice explains where the real money is: Government auctions. Apparently this is the type of federal web site president Obama should have built. Or not. Constipation factor: 8%

How Quickly I Reply to Offers
Elliot Silver explains why he does not let inquiries sit around at his inbox too long; the other party and their money might move on, if one plays hard to get. That’s how spinsters are made. Constipation factor: 1%

FCC Proposed Rule Making on Net Neutrality – Changes Coming Next Week.
Jason Schaeffer was interviewed by Popular Mechanics, and it’s not rocket science to understand why the issue of Net Neutrality affects all of us, domainers or not. Read it carefully. Constipation factor: 12%

Virtual Web Fair 2014: The immersive Domain Conference for the new Internet era
This is an exclusive preview of the first virtual web fair that will take place on July 24th, with thousands of attendees, exhibitors and media from the domain, hosting and SEO industries. Even if you just want to look at pictures, worth spending some extra time on the toilet for. Constipation factor: 25%

Domain Advice from an SEO Expert
Mike Sullivan of Domain Name Advice interviews Jon Clark, founder of Fuze SEO, Inc. If you plan on developing the domain names you’re so wastefully parking, this is a great starter. Constipation factor: 9%

Senators Fighting to Preserve Net Neutrality
Jason Schaeffer explains why it’s important to get involved with contacting your Senator about the upcoming Net Neutrality changes. Even if you have to do it while pinching a loaf. Constipation factor: 3%

Why Industry Awards are important
Donna Mahony explains why it is important to recognize and praise those that make a difference, in every industry. Donna’s blog is not currently on the various domain news aggregator feeds, and it clearly should be. Constipation factor: 1%

That’s all, folks, for this week. We hope this dozen+1 articles will keep you busy while on the “throne”, until next week. Don’t forget to wash your hands afterwards, and disinfecting your phone or tablet after such bathroom use is a great idea as well. 😀

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