Unless you’ve been watching football, or some lame tv series or reality show there is no way you missed the Epik lifetime award given to uber-domainer, Rick Schwartz.
As Elliot Silver pointed out, the well-wishing video features Frank Schilling with several weeks’ worth of facial hair. Having spent several days on the French Riviera, Frank Schilling is apparently copying the looks of pretty boy actor, Johnny Depp.
Meanwhile, deleted footage from the video has surfaced; we were able to secure a single workable frame of Chef Patrick smiling to the camera.
Looking remarkably young and without any facial hair – the opposite trend from Frank’s – Chef Patrick is gearing up for DNCruise in October.
It’ll be the ultimate domainer voyage that will take domainers on the same path that Christopher Columbus followed in 1492 – without the danger of falling prey to cannibal savages along the trip.
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Gotta be careful what I post on Twitter and Facebook, lmao. I definitely let it grow back!
Patrick 😀 Nothing wrong with getting a wax job once in a while! It rejuvenates the skin cells, then you can tan better.
Frank Schilling got a tan in French Riviera *first* – then let his beard grow.
Patrick looks better without the scrufy beard, he now looks clean and professional.
“Frank Schilling sporting Chef Patrick’s beard”
And Michael Castello’s blonde locks.