Godaddy – the world’s largest domain registrar – has acquired yet another patent, thanks to the ingenuity of its President and CEO, Bob Parsons.
Often cited for his extraordinary business skills, Bob Parsons announced the upcoming introduction of “SquatFest” – a controlled sale of trademark domains.
“We thought that it’d be the best way for people to exchange their trademark and other infringing domain names under one hood”, said Bob.
“With so many domainers getting a bad rep and being called squatters, the most appropriate name for this event turned out to be ‘SquatFest'”, added Bob with a grin.
Indeed, domainers receive a bad reputation outside of the domainer circles; many common folks and Wall Street executives alike believe that domainers are “the scum of the earth“.
With GoDaddy’s SquatFest kicking in some time next year, all domainers with questionable domains will be able to trade them in for legitimate domains, or for GoDaddy credit.
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Do I have to pay with cash for my Domains or can I use my SquatBucks?
Time Machine – Yes you can, but you won’t be able to pay with goat cheese or used socks.