WHOIS records indicate that Telepathy, Inc., has acquired the premium domain name NYS.com.
The three letter (LLL) .com was registered in 1998 and at one point it was offered for sale via Escrow.com with a $500,000 dollar price tag. It was also brokered by the Lumis.com brokers in recent years before being listed for sale on Undeveloped/Dan.com.
Founded by Nat Cohen more than 20 years ago, Telepathy both acquires and sells ultra premium domain names. In recent months Telepathy has been moving part of its geodomain portfolio away from its sister company, States Ventures LLC, and under the Telepathy umbrella.
We can only speculate on the acquisition cost of NYS.com by Telepathy but it has to be in the low six figure range.
Congratulations to Nat Cohen for acquiring a solid, aged, LLL .com domain name!
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It’s seems to be someone tracking my offers hmmm or one guy of registrar staff just selling leads and buyer interests to third party companies.
Privacy is not exist in nova days
Bro, what on earth are you talking about? Telepathy is just that, telepathic!