Rick Schwartz buys an entire Football Team

Forget about pigeons, here come the cardinals!

Who said that as a domainer you can’t diversify into non-domain assets?

Legendary domainer, Rick Schwartz has been giving this advice for years. His Candy.com sale included a chunky cut from sales – at least until 2012 when the Mayan spaceships arrive.

Rick’s latest acquisition is the Arizona Cardinals football team. That’s right: we are not talking about some little junior league here, this is NFL.

“Listen folks, this Friday morning I announced again that there’s only a handful of TRAFFIC tickets left at the early bird pricing of $995. So take that matter seriously. Numbers don’t lie and you don’t have to lie to your wife either. Don’t be a putz, register now for TRAFFIC so that you can enjoy the cabanas in the great Octoberfest of TRAFFIC in Ft. Lauderdale. Oh, and yes, I bought the Arizona Cardinals by the way.”

Shocking as it might seem, Rick’s announcement actually makes sense.

Long known to be an outspoken domainer, Rick’s use of the birdly term “pigeonsh*t” often ruffled the feathers of many domainers with weak domain portfolios. The purchase of the Arizona Cardinals ensures that no pigeons will ever attempt to cross into Rick’s territory.

“Folks, it’s the opportunity of a life time. Buying and selling. Selling and buying. It’s all about connections, money, opportunity. Seize it now and join me and hundreds of other domainers at TRAFFIC. It will be a fantastic show, the best in the past 100 years. Guaranteed. By the way, I bought the Arizona Cardinals in Fantasy Football League, OK? See you at TRAFFIC!”

It seems that spirits are quite high and with a new, sexy TRAFFIC web site and an archive web site in the works, Rick Schwartz and his core team will be rocking the domain conference field throughout 2011.

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2 Responses to “Rick Schwartz buys an entire Football Team”
  1. SPK says:

    Nice sales pitch for Traffic! LMAO
    I would not be surprised if Rick bought the Lakers as well..

  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    SPK – Not sure about NBA, Rick’s more of a football fan 😀

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