Fresh trademark application attempts to cover gaps

A fresh application for the registration of the mark HAIRLOSS.COM was filed by On Rite Company DBA Hair Visions International, operators of the premium domain

The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font style, size, or color. Last year, the applicant filed a trademark registration application for a graphic representation of the brand.

That mark was abandoned, as the applicant failed to submit amendments in a timely fashion. This time around, instead of refiling for a graphic mark they are going after the characters only version.

The application was filed with an intent-to-use clause, which means that the mark is not in use just yet.

It’s an ongoing trend among owners of generic domain names, following the decision by SCOTUS on the trademark application.

Since then, dozens of generic domain names have been applied to be registered as trademarks, inclusive of the TLD.

As of January 5th, 2021, BOOKING.COM is a registered trademark with the USPTO.

Will these applications become the new norm? Watch this video from NamesCon Online 2020.

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