In 2020, GoDaddy acquired Uniregistry, taking over its IP, talent, and Frank Schilling‘s domain portfolio.
Fast forward three years and both Uniregistry and the Uni Market are domain venues of the past. Domain investors that used Uni(registry) to manage their domains are now able to do so under the GoDaddy interface.
These domains are still at Uniregistry, however, as far as registrars go. There was no registrar transfer when domains were transitioned to GoDaddy and thus no 60 day lock that takes place after such transfers.
Although end-users can’t access their Uniregistry accounts anymore, or push domain names from one account at Uni to another, GoDaddy account managers can. There seems to be a “backdoor” at Uniregistry, according to a comment by James Iles of GoDaddy, referencing an ongoing issue at

God Mode at GoDaddy
That domain backdoor at Uniregistry is available to GoDaddy employees only, obviously, allowing them to freely move domains from Uniregistry to other accounts at Uniregistry or at GoDaddy.
It must be great being able to use “God mode” in domain investors’ portfolios. James also mentioned that upcoming updates at will end this obvious glitch of Uniregistry being listed as a separate registrar still, as far as account to account pushes go.