Gone long time, good domainers, salaam to you, it is I, AhmetHashish Rahajani from Middle East, lovely town.
Before, told you how get .NYC domain when no live in New York, I smart, no?
Now, make moneys, God willing, from expired domain auction. Expire domains for $12 turn four figs, five figs – any figs!
You say, AhmetHashish, you full of smoked camel chewed hay dung. I say, can be done – believe in yourself and me.
First find domain expired or dropped, easy with tool Expired Domains Net.
No heard it of?
Many domainer post list day, every day, use this tool, then pretend searched hard.
Ha! I tell you, go there. Is free. No gimmick as American man say.
Now search for best domain.
Enter keyword, like “drone” or “nuclear” or “Korea” – or “hot chicks” like I do. Find domain, sort.
Date, or length, or DMoz link. Or other extension taken. Lots option, very good.
Is easy. But hard is work. Someone else work hard for you, free search is best!
Then go Uniregistry, use code DOM25 for save 25% retail price. Sexy!
If sell domain you register from list, send PayPal few coin to Expired Domains Net. He good man from Germans.
And is this simple, no? Make domains into gold. Simple.
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Ahmet wonders why he lost sponsors!! They did not inform him..lol