Already at TRAFFIC? Here’s how to make an easy $100

TRAFFIC South Beach kicks off officially today.

Without any doubt, it will be a busy time for the primary core of the domain industry and the final show for Rick Latona as the event’s organizer.

TRAFFIC always receives rave reviews and TRAFFIC South Beach in Miami is expected to be the biggest gathering of hardcore domainers ever.

The cherry on the domain pie is the introduction of legendary Don King as a speaker during the event. And here’s how you can gain fame and perhaps make an easy $100 from this arising photo-opportunity.

$100 US dollars

Send us a candid shot of Don King from the event and we will publish it; if it gets voted as the best of the submitted ones, you will receive one hundred bucks*.

That’s right, your chance to win $100 for a picture of Don King doing something out of the ordinary: no podium shots, no handshake poses, nothing boring, nothing we haven’t seen already. You have to think like a member of the press from the 30’s and 40’s and “capture the moment“.

Above all, have fun at TRAFFIC South Beach. The weather is fantastic.

* Submissions must be emailed by end of business on October 31, 2010. At least 5 pictures total need to be submitted for the competition to occur. Payment of $100 to qualified Paypal accounts bearing the same name as the photo’s submitter. Max of 2 submissions per participant. All submitted images will have to be validated as admissible (for full specs email info at domaingang dot com). Winning picture becomes the property of DomainGang. Competition is a promotion of

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7 Responses to “Already at TRAFFIC? Here’s how to make an easy $100”
  1. Josh says:

    Excellent idea 😀 I’d love to see a picture of Don King with his pants down.

  2. tricolorro says:

    Is Don King allowed to submit photos?

  3. tricolorro says:

    “I’d love to see a picture of Don King with his pants down.”


    Probably all one has to do is offer Mr King half the $100 prize an∂ the pants will come down.

    Do you hope he’s wearing underwear…or not?


  4. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Josh – We don’t ask for such pictures, you might be ejected from the conference; I’m sure security will be already increased.

    Tric – If Don King submitted his own candid photo and was voted as the best, he’d win $100 no doubt 😀

  5. Francois says:

    No 100% here, it’s a joke?

  6. tricolorro says:

    “No 100% here, it’s a joke?”


    The 100% is represented by the “100” on the Ben Franklin 100 $ bill.

    The % symbol you have to add in your imagination.


  7. Francois says:

    Good response Tricolorro 🙂

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