A Polish grocery store that operates online through the incredibly short URL, A.pl, has been sued by Apple on the grounds of trademark infringement.
The largest company in the world is very protective of its marks.
According to Reuters:
“Apple brand is widely recognized and the company says that A.pl, by using the name that sounds similar, is using Apple’s reputation.”
It seems that the culprit might not be the A.pl web site itself, but a side-service on Fresh24.pl, where a green apple logo that loosely reminds of the Apple logo is being used.
The A.pl CEO, Radoslaw Celinski, called the lawsuit “ludicrous“.
Overall, it’s apples and oranges in this strange case, as A.pl does not trade in electronics but actual fruits and groceries.
What is coming next, Apple suing the Greek underwear company, Apple.gr ?
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Apple=Stupidity and Greed.
This is a case worth watching.
If Apple wins, then we know who the real winners are: corporate bullies with deep pockets.
Cheap Apple – shame on you!