As we predicted: Gary Coleman gets desecrated in Cyberspace

Popular child actor Gary Coleman hasn’t been buried yet – his funeral is planned for either Friday or this weekend in Salt Lake City – but the domainer vultures have already performed their usual desecration of a dead person’s carcass.

Just as we predictedonce again delivers reality through the eye of sarcasm, parody and humor – all major TLDs that were available at the time of Gary Coleman’s death are now taken.

For example, the .net was registered on the date of Gary Coleman’s death and is parked at Sedo, while the .biz was registered the following day and is being forwarded to a web site with a couple of pictures of the late comedian and laden with ads.

What a complete and utter shame.

It’s disgusting seeing how cybersquatting – the act of monetizing the fame of individuals alive or dead – has been taken to an extreme by those who prey on the death of actors or celebrities.

This is exactly what gives domainers a bad name and that’s a fine example of what to avoid when registering domain names. Don’t do it!

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